Frogs are amphibian in the order anura, which are cold-blooded vertebrate animals and have semi-aquatic lifestyle.
The order anura contains over 5.000 species in 33 families, which means about 88% of amphibian species are frogs.
Frogs have metamorphosis with few different stages in their life : egg, fish-like tadpole, tadpole with legs, young frog and finally an adult frog.
Adult frogs have long and powerful hind legs, a short body, webbed digits, protruding eyes and are tailess.
In the tadpole stage of frogs, they live in water and have gills for breathing.
Frogs breathe through their skin as well as their lungs in adult frogs.
Almost all species of adult frogs are carnivorous diet.
They mainly eat insects for diet, and also small animals like earthworms, minnows and spiders too. Most of the frogs have sticky tongue for catching the insects.
The frog whizzes out its tongue rapidly, sticks the insect and retracts it back to its mouth, just within a second. Most of the species like to hunt at night.
Frogs can absorb water through their skin so they don't need to drink from mouth. Frogs are long jump experts, some of them can jump up to 2
0 times their own body length in a single leap, toads do not jump, but walk. Toads do not have the long and strong hind legs as frogs.
Each species of frogs and toads has a distinct breeding call, which for enticing females to join them for mating. Their concerts always open at night.
*Gues What*
Q : How long is the lifespan of a frog ?
A : It depends on different species. Actually, it's pretty hard to track a frog all its life too. We just know some of the bullfrogs can live over 30 years !
Q : Can adult frogs breathe underwater ?
A : Yes, frogs an amphibians. They are able to breath through their skin while underwater.
Q : How can frogs hear sound without ears ?
A : Actually, frogs have ears, but unlike human's external one. They have big round flat ears on each side of their head called tympanum which means drum.
Q : Do frogs have teeth ?
A : Yes, most of the species do have very small cone teeth around the upper edge of law, which are called Maxillary Teeth. Some frogs also have Vomerine Teeth on the roof of their mouth. Frogs don't have teeth on their lower jaw. Actually, toads do not have any teeth.
Q : How far is the world record for a single leap of a frog ?
A : The world record is held by a frog called "Rosie the Ribiter" from California. It jumped more than 6.5 m (21 feet) in 1985
Q : Which kind of the frog is the largest in the world ?
A : The goliath frog which is found in West Africa is the largest species in the world. It can grow up to 33cm(13 inches) long from head to vent, and weighs up to 3 kg (7 lbs). It so also an endangered species too.
It's all i know about frogs without open books (for more details about frogs, just visit, i've write this because i'm a student that ever need this information for some study.
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